Board Elections
Balloting procedures for District 7 will proceed.
March 27, 2025 a ballot will be mailed to each member in the district and online voting will be opened in the MemberDirect portal. You can vote either by paper ballot or by using your MemberDirect account, however, you can only vote once. The paper ballot will instruct voters to return their signed ballot directly to the certified public accounting firm, Finley & Cook, or the paper ballot will not be counted. The ballot must be received by Finley & Cook no later than April 21, 2025. A self-addressed envelope will be enclosed to return your ballot. If you vote by paper and through MemberDirect, the MemberDirect account vote will be counted as the valid vote and the paper vote will be discarded.
(Please refer to OAC 550:1-3-3 and OAC 550:1-3-4 for the nomination and election process.)